
or, OctoPrint on the AML-S905X-CC (Le Potato)

Purpose and motivation 🔗

It's December 2022 and Raspberry Pis are still too expensive. Luckily we have the AML-S905X-CC (Le Potato). No prebuilt OctoPrint images exist for it, but we can get everything working smoothly with Armbian.

Materials 🔗

Steps 🔗

  1. download and flash the Armbian image to the micro SD. I went with Jammy CLI and it's worked fine

  2. insert the micro SD, connect your peripherals now if you don't plan to configure over ssh, power up and boot

  3. if configuring over ssh, authenticate as root using password 1234 for first-time setup, root ssh access is automatically disabled after this

  4. complete the default setup (shell selection, locale selection, user/pass, etc.)

  5. Exit root and login as the newly created user - OctoPrint doesn't support running as root

  6. run the armbian configuration utility to stand up anything else e.g., wireless networking

    sudo armbian-config

    I strongly recommend enabling avahi (under 'System' in the ncurses menu that populates) so you can use http://lepotato.local in a browser

  7. install python dependencies

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv python3-dev -y
  8. create and activate an octoprint virtual environment

    python3 -m venv octoprint
    source octoprint/bin/activate
  9. install octoprint:

    pip3 install octoprint
  10. create an octoprint service to automatically start the octoprint server on boot, at path:


    with contents:

    Description=octoprint service
    ExecStart=/home/USERNAME/octoprint/bin/octoprint serve

    replace USERNAME above with the account created during setup

  11. enable the service

    enable octoprint.service
  12. connect the Potato to your printer and reboot

  13. navigate to your Potato in a browser. 5000 is the default port

  14. happy printing 😎